How to add a component to the component catalog available to the team place manager?

Vivek Agarwal has documented what you have to do if you want to add custom components available to the manager of a team place:

Essentially the component picker is defined by a JSP inside the Quickr theme:


To add a new component, search for the div with an id of customizePage2. and add a list item with information for the new component e.g.:

<li><a href=”#” onClick=”javascript:showTeamSpaceAddComponentForm(”<%=MarkupUtil.htmlAttributeEscape(MarkupUtil.jsEscape(“Photo Book“))%>”,
“<%=MarkupUtil.htmlAttributeEscape(MarkupUtil.jsEscape(”New Photo Book“))%>”, “<%= applicationID %>”, “wps.p.web.photobook“, true,
nodesOnLevel,true, ‘photobook‘)” class=”picture”>Photo Book</a></li>

The information in italics will depend on the component you are trying to add - wps.p.web.photobook is the unique name assigned to the portlet that you are trying to define as a component.

Thanks to Vivek Agarwal’s Blog