QPTOOL Command Reference

Update: There is now also a command reference in the Quickr 8.2 Infocenter

Below you find a list of all QPTOOL commands together with the required parameters and syntax:

Command Description
qptool: Lotus QuickPlace Command Line Tool.
Usage: qptool <command> [-?] [<arguments>]
-? Print out a usage message for the <command>.
addgraphicfont: Add one or more Graphic Text fonts to the server.
addmember: Add a directory user to places.
archive: Archive (copy) specified places to a backup directory in the file system.
changehierarchy: Rename the hierarchy of all members.
changemember: Rename a member and/or transfer access permissions from one member to another.
createentryplace: Create an entry place.
createsearch: Create new search.nsf for a place.
deadmail: Cleanup Lotus QuickPlace dead mail.
execute: Execute an XML API file
lock: Lock specified places.
membershipmodel: Convert membership model or move LDAP QuickPlace groups.
newsletter: Send personalized newsletters to subscribing members.
password: Change the password of a local user.
placecatalog: Push statistics to the place catalog and update cluster statistics.
refresh: Refresh places or placetypes.
register: Register places or this server with the QuickPlace service, and make them ready for use.
remove: Remove or mark for removal specified places and placetypes
removegraphicfont: Remove one or more Graphic Text fonts from the server.
removemember: Remove a member from places.
repair: Repair specified places.
replicamaker: Automate the creation and deletion of replication stubs for specified places/placetypes between two servers.
report: Generate a report from data stored in the place catalog.
sendmail: Send a broadcast e-mail message to the managers, or all members, of specified places.
setTheme: Set the theme of place or places
unlock: Unlock specified places.
unregister: Unregister places or this server with the Lotus QuickPlace server, and make the names no longer reserved.
updatemember: Update directory user's member record with directory information.
upgrade: Upgrade places and placetypes.

Command Description
addgraphicfont: Add one or more Graphic Text fonts to the server.
Usage: qptool addgraphicfont [-?] (-name <font list> | -i <file>) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-name <font> <font> Space-separated list of graphic font names
-i <file> Input file specifying graphic font names
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.addgraphicfont.xml)
addmember: Add a directory user to places.
Usage: qptool addmember [-?] (-dn <name> [-g]) (-reader | -author | -editor | -manager | -owner) [-allrooms] (-a | -p <place list> | -i <file>) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-dn <name> Distinguished name of directory user to add.
-g Member is a group.
-reader Add member as a reader.
-author Add member as an author.
-editor Add member as an editor.
-manager Add member as a manager.
-owner Add member as a owner.
-allrooms Add member to all rooms in places. Default to top room only.
-a Add the member in all places.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places in which to add the member.
-i <file> Input file specifying places in which to add the member.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.addmember.xml)
archive: Archive (copy) specified places to a backup directory in the file system.
Usage: qptool archive [-?] -dir <path> (-a | -p <place list> | -i <file>) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-dir <path> Directory path to archive the places to.
-a Archive all places.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places to archive.
-i <file> Input file specifying places to archive.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.archive.xml)
changehierarchy: Rename the hierarchy of all members.
Usage: qptool changehierarchy [-?] -sourceh <name> -targeth <name> (-a | -p <place list> | -i <file>) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-sourceh <name> Old hierarchical name.
-targeth <name> New hierarchical name.
-a Rename the members in all places.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places in which to rename the members.
-i <file> Input file specifying places in which to rename the members.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.changemember.xml)
changemember: Rename a member and/or transfer access permissions from one member to another.
Usage: qptool changemember [-?] (-sourcedn <name> [-sourceg] | -sourceu <name>) ((-targetdn <name> [-targetg]) | -targetu <name>) (-a | -p <place list> | -i <file>) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-sourcedn <name> Old distinguished name of directory member.
-sourceu <name> Old user name of local person.
-sourceg Source name is a group.
-targetdn <name> New distinguished name of directory member.
-targetg Target name is a group.
-targetu <name> New user name of local person.
-a Rename the member in all places.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places in which to rename the member.
-i <file> Input file specifying places in which to rename the members.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.changemember.xml)
createentryplace: Create an entry place.
Usage: qptool createentryplace [-?] (-e <email address> [-u <userinfo>] [-d <display name>] | -i <file>) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-u <userinfo> UserInfo of user to create a place for, perhaps a uid.
-e <emailaddress> EMail address of user, will be converted to placename.
-d <display name> Alternative display name for created place. Defaults to CN attribute from the user directory.
-i <file> Input file specifying list of entry places to create.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.createentryplace.xml)
createsearch: Create a new search.nsf for a place.
Usage: qptool createsearch [-?] (-a | -p <place list>)
-? Print out this usage message.
-a Create search.nsf for all places.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places for which to create a search.nsf
deadmail: Cleanup Lotus QuickPlace dead mail.
Usage: qptool deadmail [-?] -cleanup [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-cleanup Cleanup Lotus QuickPlace dead mail.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.deadmail.xml)
execute: Execute an XML API file
Usage: qptool execute [-?] (-i <file>) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-i <file> Input XML API file.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.execute.xml)
-session <file> Session file. (Optional)
lock: Lock specified places.
Usage: qptool lock [-?] [-message <text>] (-a | -p <place list> | -i <file>) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-a Lock all places.
-message <text> Message to display to users who visit the locked place.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places to lock.
-i <file> Input file specifying places to lock.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.lock.xml)
membershipmodel: Convert membership model or move LDAP QuickPlace groups.
Usage: qptool membershipmodel [-?] (-toexpanded|-rmgroups|-basedn|-addgroups -a | -p <place list> | -i <file>) | [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-toexpanded Convert place to expanded membership model.
-rmgroups Remove QuickPlace groups in LDAP directory.
-basedn Update base DN in QuickPlace groups of a place (This does not update groups in LDAP).
-addgroups Add QuickPlace groups in LDAP directory.
-a Run the command on all places.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places on which to run the command.
-i <file> Input file specifying places on which to run the command.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.membershipmodel.xml)
newsletter: Send personalized newsletters to subscribing members.
Usage: qptool newsletter [-?] (-daily | -weekly) (-a | -p <place list> | -i <file>) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-daily Send newsletters in daily summary format.
-weekly Send newsletters in weekly summary format.
-a Send newsletters for all places.
-p <name> <name> Send newsletters for a space-separated list of places.
-i <file> Input file specifying places for which to send newsletters.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.newsletter.xml)
password: Change the password of a local user.
Usage: qptool password [-?] -u <user> -pw <password> (-p <place list> | -i <file>) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-u <user> User name of local user.
-pw <password> New password.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places of which user is a member.
-i <file> Input file specifying passwords to change.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.password.xml)
placecatalog: Push statistics to the place catalog and update cluster statistics.
Usage: qptool placecatalog [-?] (-update | (-push (-a | -p <place list> | -i <file>) ) | (-reset (-a | -p <place list> | -i <file>))) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-update Update cluster statistics (should only be run on place catalog servers).
-push Push statistics from this server to the place catalog (should only be run on place servers).
-a Update statistics for all places on this server.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places on this server for which to update statistics.
-i <file> Input file specifying places on this server for which to update statistics.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.placecatalog.xml)
-reset Reset statistics from this server to the place catalog (should only be run on place servers).
refresh: Refresh places or placetypes.
Usage: qptool refresh [-?] [-r] (-a | -p <place list> | -pt <placetype list> | -d <placetype list> | -i <file>) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-r Replace objects that have changed in the target.
-a Refresh all places. Each place will be refreshed from its source placetype.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places to refresh. Each place will be refreshed from its source placetype.
-pt <name> <name> Space-separated list of placetypes to refresh. Each placetype will be refreshed from its source place.
-d <name> <name> Space-separated list of placetypes. All places derived from the specified placetypes will be refreshed.
-i <file> Input file specifying places and/or placetypes to refresh.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.refresh.xml)
register: Register places or this server with the QuickPlace service, and make them ready for use.
Usage: qptool register [-?] [-placecatalog] (-server | [-install] (-a | -p <place list> | -pt <placetype list> | -i <file> | -pts )) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-placecatalog Register places or this server in the place catalog.
-server Register this server (assumes -placecatalog).
-install Install places on this server after moving or renaming them (assumes -placecatalog).
-a Register all places.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places to register.
-pt <name> <name> Space-separated list of place types to register.
-i <file> Input file specifying places to register.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.register.xml)
-pts Register all place types.
remove: Remove or mark for removal specified places and placetypes
Usage: qptool remove [-?] ([-cleanup] | ([-now] (-a | -p <place list> | -pt <placetype list> | -i <file>))) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-cleanup Remove all places and placetypes that are marked for removal.
-now Remove the place immediately. (Default: place is only marked for removal.)
-a Mark all places for removal.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places to mark for removal.
-pt <name> <name> Space-separated list of placetypes to mark for removal.
-i <file> Input file specifying places to mark for removal.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.remove.xml)
removegraphicfont: Remove one or more Graphic Text fonts from the server.
Usage: qptool removegraphicfont [-?] (-name <font list> | -i <file>) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-name <font> <font> Space-separated list of graphic font names
-i <file> Input file specifying graphic font names
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.removegraphicfont.xml)
removemember: Remove a member from places.
Usage: qptool removemember [-?] ((-dn <name> [-g])| -u <name>) (-a | -p <place list> | -i <file>) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-dn <name> Distinguished name of directory user to remove.
-g Member is a group.
-u <name> User name of local person to remove.
-a Remove the member in all places.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places in which to remove the member.
-i <file> Input file specifying places in which to remove the member.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.removemember.xml)
repair: Repair specified places.
Usage: qptool repair [-?] (-a | -p <place list> | -i <file>) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-a Repair all places.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places to repair.
-i <file> Input file specifying places to repair.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.repair.xml)
replicamaker: Automate the creation and deletion of replication stubs for specified places/placetypes between two servers.
Usage: qptool replicamaker [-?] [-oneway] [-s <server name>] -t <server name> (-a | -p <place list> | -pt <placetype list>)
-? Print out this usage message.
-s <name> Source server name. Defaults to local server.
-t <name> Target server name. Defaults to local server.
-a Maintain replication stubs for all places and placetypes.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places to maintain replication stubs for.
-pt <name> <name> Space-separated list of placetypes to maintain replication stubs for.
-oneway Only create replication stubs on target server for new places from source server. 1)
report: Generate a report from data stored in the place catalog.
Usage: qptool report [-?] (-a | -p <place list> | -q <query> | -s) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-a Generate a report for all places registered in the place catalog.
-p <name> <name> Generate a report for a space-separated list of places.
-q <query> Generate a report for all places that match the query.
-s Generate a report for all servers registered in the place catalog.
-policy Generate a report with action according to the policy.
-policyexecute Generate a report with action according to the policy and execute it.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.report.xml)
sendmail: Send a broadcast e-mail message to the managers, or all members, of specified places.
Usage: qptool sendmail [-?] -template <xsl> [-managers] -i <file> [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-template <xsl> Message template in XSL format.
-managers Send the message to managers only (otherwise send it to all members).
-i <file> Input file specifying places to send mail to.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.sendmail.xml)
setTheme: Set the theme of place or places
Usage: qptool setTheme (-a | -p <place list>) -default [-includerooms]
-? Print out this usage message.
-a Apply theme to all places on server.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places that will have new theme.
-default Use the default theme for this version.
-includerooms Set the theme of the rooms of the place (optional)2)
unlock: Unlock specified places.
Usage: qptool unlock [-?] (-a | -p <place list> | -i <file>) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-a Unlock all places.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places to unlock.
-i <file> Input file specifying places to unlock.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.unlock.xml)
unregister: Unregister places or this server with the Lotus QuickPlace server, and make the names no longer reserved.
Usage: qptool unregister [-?] [-placecatalog] (-server | (-a | -p <place list> | -pt <placetype list> | -i <file> | -pts )) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-placecatalog Only unregister places or this server in the place catalog.
-server Unregister this server.
-a Unregister all places.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places to unregister.
-pt <name> <name> Space-separated list of place types to unregister.
-i <file> Input file specifying places to unregister.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.unregister.xml)
-pts UnRegister all place types.
updatemember: Update directory user's member record with directory information.
Usage: qptool updatemember [-?] (-dn <name> [-g] | -allmembers) (-a | -p <place list> | -i <file>) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-dn <name> Distinguished name of directory user to update.
-g Member is a group.
-allmembers Update all members in place.
-a Update the member in all places.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places in which to update the member.
-i <file> Input file specifying places in which to update the member.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.updatemember.xml)
upgrade: Upgrade places and placetypes.
Usage: qptool upgrade [-?] [-f] [-saveformprefs] (-server | -a | -p <place list> | -pt <placetype list> | -i <file>) [-o <file>]
-? Print out this usage message.
-f Force upgrade.
-saveformprefs Save hidden forms settings and and form order when upgrade is forced 3)
-server Upgrade this server.
-a Upgrade all places and placetypes.
-p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places to upgrade.
-pt <name> <name> Space-separated list of placetypes to upgrade.
-i <file> Input file specifying places and placetypes to upgrade.
-o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.upgrade.xml)
since R8.2 FP1
since R8.1 FP11
since R8.1 FP10