====== Installing Quickr 8.1(Services for Domino) on Windows ====== Detailed instruction how to install Quickr can be found in the [[http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/lqkrhelp/v8r0/topic/com.ibm.lotus.quickr.dominov81.doc/install/qp_inst_qpwindows_t.html|Administrators Guide]]. Below you will find a short summary of the most important steps: \\ \\ **Install Domino Server** * Install Domino 8.0.2 (Choose: Enterprise Server) (part number: C1K38EN for English version) * Install Domino 8.0.2 FP1 (part number: C1WR2EN for English version) and Domino 8.0.2 FP1 Hotfix 343. * Choose to set up HTTP services. * Use a Domino server certifier that includes no more than two organizational units (OUs). For example, the certifier /OU=Dallas/OU=Div1/O=Acme is acceptable, but the certifier /OU=Sales/OU=Dallas/OU=Div1/O=Acme is not acceptable. Otherwise the internal names of local users defined in Lotus Quickr places will be truncated and these users will be unable to log in to the server. * As the servertasks “Sched”, “CalConn” and “RnRMgr” normally are not needed on a Quickr server, you should delete them permanently from the SERVERTASKS= line. * Start the Domino server and make sure that it is running without any problems. Then shutdown the Domino server again. \\ **Install Quickr** * Start the EXE file (part number: C1D7AEN for English version (use C19G0EN if you cannot find this number), C1CF8DE for German version, see also [[http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24018723|here]] for a complete list) and extract the files to a temporary directory (be sure you remember the directory name) * Change to that temporary directory, switch to the subdirectory “Server” and start “SETUP.EXE” * Follow the instructions on the screen. Double check if the directory names are correct. * In the "Specify name and password" window, type the user name and password for the first Lotus Quickr server administrator. Specify the name for a new, local administrator. **Do not** specify the name of the Lotus Domino server administrator or any other name from a user directory that Lotus Quickr should use. * Decide whether or not install the Lotus Quickr Entry version only as follows: * Click Yes - Allow creation of personal place only if you want the Lotus Quickr Entry implementation for your users. Lotus Quickr Entry provides a smaller set of functions than Lotus Quickr standard but enables users to perform many basic file management tasks such as uploading, downloading, and sharing files * Click No - Allow creation of all place types if you want your users to be able to exploit the full team collaboration features of Lotus Quickr Standard version. Administrators still will be able to create Entry places for users if desired. * If the Quickr setup has been finished install the latest Quickr hotfix. Check [[http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24018711|this page]] for the most current fix level of Lotus Quickr. Below the basic task to install the fix pack are described. Be sure that you read the enclosed readme file for more detailed information or additional things to do! * Before you can install the hotfix you need to install the [[http://jdl.sun.com/webapps/getjava/BrowserRedirect?locale=en&host=www.java.com:80|Sun Java runtime engine]]. Then you also need to add the Domino program directory to the end of the Windows system path. * Afterwards you copy the hotfix JAR file to the path "\jvm\lib\ext" and double click on it. The hotfix installer is then started. Follow the instructions on the screen. * After installation has been finished you have to perform the following steps (Important!): * Start the Quickr server * From the Domino console run the following three commands. Wait for one command to finish before starting the next one: load qptool unlock –a load qptool upgrade -f –server load qptool upgrade -f –a -saveformprefs load design load qptool refresh -r -d Wiki load qptool refresh -r -d Blog \\ **Adapt Server Document Settings** * From IBM Lotus Notes® or the Domino Administrator, open the Domino Directory (names.nsf) on the server. * Open the Server document for the server and click Edit Server. * Select "Basics" * Set "Fully qualified Internet hostname" to the alias you are using for Lotus Quickr (the hostname you are using in the URL later) * Select "Internet Protocols > HTTP" * In the "Basics" section set the field "Host name" to the alias you are using for Lotus Quickr (the hostname you are using in the URL later) * In the "Mapping" section set "Home URL" to "/LotusQuickr" * In the "R5 Basic" section set "Optimize HTTP performance" to "Web Applications" * In the "DSAPI" section add the value “ndolextn” in the "DSAPI filter file names" field, if it is not already there. * Select "Internet Protocols > Domino Web Engine" * Below Java Servlets, select "Domino Servlet Manager" in the "Java servlet support" field. * In the "Character Set" section, select "Yes" in the "Use UTF-8 for output" field. * In the "Web Agents and Web Services" section set "Run web agents and web services concurrently" to "Enabled" \\ **Configure Single Sign On** For detailed information how to do this see [[http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/lqkrhelp/v8r0/topic/com.ibm.lotus.quickr.dominov81.doc/security/qp_adm_sec_ss_t.html#qp_adm_sec_ss_t|this chapter]] in the administrators guide. **Important:** You should configure multi-server SSO even if you only have one server! If you do NOT configure MSSO you will see strange behaviours of Quickr (e.g. you will have to re-authenticate when switching pages, you appear to be logged off (although you are not.., you do not see the small arrows where you can choose context sensitive menu options etc.) So this step really has to be done even if you only working with one server. \\ \\ ** Configuring cross-place searching ** If you want your users to be able to search all places instead of just the place you have opened you must configure cross-place searching. See [[http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/lqkrhelp/v8r0/topic/com.ibm.lotus.quickr.dominov81.doc/config/qp_adm_search_steps_t.html|this chapter]] in admin guide for more detailed information about how to do this. \\ \\ ** Enabling Domino Off-Line Services ** For more detailed information refer to [[http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/lqkrhelp/v8r0/topic /com.ibm.lotus.quickr.dominov81.doc/config/qp_inst_off_over_t.html|this chapter]] in the admin guide. Please be aware of the fact that you need to install the Domino language pack of the desired language if your users have set the Windows regional settings to another value than "English". Otherwise the users will [[http://www.urspringer.de/index.php/2007/07/23/ibm_lotus_quickr_error_when_trying_to_in|not be able to install DOLS]]. The part number for the German language pack for Domino 8.0.2 (Windows) is C1MF7DE. \\ \\ ** Configure file upload restrictions ** See here [[qfaq:tips_tricks_bugs:how_to_configure_the_maximum_file_size_for_uploads|here]] for more details. \\ \\ ** Configure Place Catalog database properties ** See here [[http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/lqwiki.nsf/dx/performance-updates-in-quickr-for-domino-placecatalog|for more details]]. Check if a full text index exists for PLACECATALOG.NSF. Create one if not. \\ \\ **Create and edit QPCONFIG.XML in the Domino data directory** See more detailed information about what can be configured in the QPCONFIG_SAMPLE.XML file located in the Domino data directory. You need to create your own QPCONFIG.XML in the Domino data directory as by default this file does not exist. If you like you can use {{:qfaq:tutorials_howtos_etc:qpconfig.xml.txt|this skeleton}} (rename it to QPCONFIG.XML) which contains already the most important options. Please make sure that you use your server name instead of the dummy entries and be aware that the directory configuration options are valid for a Domino LDAP and needs to be adapted to your environment! \\ \\ **Modify NOTES.INI** Make sure you that at least the following parameters are added to NOTES.INI: NoWebFileSystemACLs=1 h_ScopeUrlInQP=1 EXTMGR_ADDINS=nqpextmgr.dll CheckCacheBeforeDSAPI=1 QuickPlaceShowConflictWarning=1 QuickPlacePassReasonType=1 HTTPAllowDecodedUrlPercent=1 UPDATE_SUPPRESSION_TIME=90 If you like you can also use {{:qfaq:tutorials_howtos_etc:notesini.txt|this skeleton}} which contains already the most important NOTES.INI settings needed. Make sure there is a blank line at the end of the NOTES.INI file. Press Enter to create a blank line, if necessary. In addition create program documents for all QPTOOL tasks in the NOTES.INI (see the "ServerTasksAtX" lines) and schedule them in a way so that they are not running all at once. Java programs use much resources. Deactivate the commands in NOTES.INI afterwards. \\ \\ ** Modify the following TCP/IP registry settings on Windows servers** [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters]\\ "TcpTimedWaitDelay"=dword:0000001e\\ "MaxUserPort"=dword:0000fffe\\ "TcpWindowSize"=dword:0000ffff\\ "MaxFreeTcbs"=dword:00011940\\ "MaxHashTableSize"=dword:0000fff\\ You can use [[http://www.urspringer.de/media/download/QUICKR_TCPIP_SETTINGS.REG|this REG file]] to automate that. In case you have installed Windows 2003 Server with Service Pack 2 please make sure that you disable Windows Server 2003 Scalable Networking Pack. Check this technote for more info: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=477&uid=swg21295167 \\ \\ ** Reboot your Domino server now to activate all the changes** \\ \\ ** Configure Lotus Quickr via the Web UI** * Login with the local admin user you specified during installation. * Define your directory (LDAP / Domino) * Define who can create places and administer the server You will find a more detailed explanation of this in the [[http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/lqkrhelp/v8r0/topic/com.ibm.lotus.quickr.dominov81.doc/config/qp_adm_config_t.html|Quickr Info Center]]. \\ \\ ** Optional things to do ** * Configure SMTP mail routing so that notifications from Lotus Quickr can reach the recipients and that mails can be sent to Lotus Quickr places * Create a group "QuickPlaceAdministratorsSUGroup" in the Domino Directory of the Quickr server and add all users/groups who should be able to access Quickr databases via Notes client. * If you are using Domino LDAP make sure that all included Domino directories on the LDAP server do have a full text index. If not, create one. This is very important to increase LDAP performance. \\ \\ Important: Please check with the [[http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/lqkrhelp/v8r0/topic/com.ibm.lotus.quickr.dominov81.doc/install/qp_inst_qpwindows_t.html|Administrators Guide]] as you might need to configure more options dependent on your environment.