How to create a Quickr Place automatically via an HTTP request?
A Quickr place can be automatically created via an HTTP command issued to the server. The HTTP command needs to have the following syntax: LotusQuickr/LotusQuickr/CreateHaiku.nsf?OpenDatabase&PresetFields= h_SetEditCurrentScene;h_CreateManager, h_EditAction;h_Next, h_SetCommand;h_CreateOffice, h_PlaceTypeName;<PlaceTypeName>, h_Name;<PlaceName>, h_UserName;<UserName>, h_SetPassword;<UserPassword>, h_EmailAddress;<UserEmailAddress>, h_SetReturnUrl;<ReturnURL>, h_OwnerAuth;<AuthenticationType>
The above arguments have the following meaning:
Argument | Explanation | Remark |
PlaceTypeName | The name of the PlaceType to use OR blank for the default PlaceType | e.g. “Wiki”, “Blog” or leave blank for a standard place |
PlaceName | The name of the Place. | |
UserName | The Place's owner. | |
UserPassword | The Place's owner password | |
UserEmailAddress | The Place's owner email address | optional |
ReturnURL | The URL to go to after the Place is created | e.g. link to “My Places” or the newly created Place. |
AuthenticationType | h_Local: Create a local place user / h_External: Use a user from an external directory / h_Hybrid: Use a user from an external directory if password matches, otherwise create a local place user |
Create a new standard place for teams with the name “DemoPlace” on server “”. The place owner is an user from an external directory called “Demo Admin” with the password “demodemo”. After the place is created the “My Places ” view of the server is displayed:;h_CreateManager,h_EditAction;h_Next,h_SetCommand;h_CreateOffice,h_PlaceTypeName;,h_Name;DemoPlace,h_UserName;Demo Admin,h_SetPassword;demodemo,h_EmailAddress;,h_SetReturnUrl;,h_OwnerAuth;h_External
Create a new blog with the name “DemoBlog” on server “”. The place owner is a local user called “Local User” with the password “demodemo” and the mail address “”. After the place is created the “My Places ” view of the server is displayed:;h_CreateManager,h_EditAction;h_Next,h_SetCommand;h_CreateOffice,h_PlaceTypeName;Blog,h_Name;DemoBlog,h_UserName;Local User,h_SetPassword;demodemo,h_EmailAddress;,h_SetReturnUrl;,h_OwnerAuth;h_Local
[Source: Redbook "Customizing Quickplace"]
You can use the command e.g. to create a place from the command line by using the WGET tool (Windows version). See the following sample command:
wget --http-user=<username> --http-password=<password> --auth-no-challenge --output-file=<outputfile> --output-document=<resultfile> "<http-command>"
The parameters have the following meaning:
Argument | Explanation |
<username> | Quickr user name who has the right to create places in Quickr |
<password> | Password for the above user |
<outputfile> | (optional> Textfile where the WGET output messages are stored |
<resultfile> | (optional) Textfile where the HTTP output of the Quickr server is stored |
<http-command> | HTTP command as described above |