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Upgrading Quickr (Domino) 8.0x to 8.1

Please be aware of the fact that before upgrading to Quickr 8.1 the Domino server has to be upgraded to release 8.0.2 also.

If your Quickr server is part of a Domino domain where other servers are also located you have to think about a strategy how to upgrade your domain etc. before upgrading the first server to Domino 8.0.2. This is not covered by this document.

The following steps imply that your Quickr server is the only server in the domain. They also imply that Domino is installed in the following directories:

 Lotus Domino Program directory:    C:\Lotus\Domino
 Lotus Domino Data directory:       C:\Lotus\Domino\data

If your installation differs from this configuration you have to adapt all path names accordingly.

Backup Quickr Server

Before starting the upgrade create a full backup of all files in C:\Lotus\Domino and C:\Lotus\Domino\data including all subdirectories.

Upgrading the Domino server to release 8.0.2

  • Stop your Domino server.
  • Start the EXE file of Domino 8.0.2 (part number for English: C1K38EN) and unpack the server code to a temporary directory. Afterwards the server setup should automatically start.
  • Double-check the directories for program and data (should be displayed already correct) and make sure you install a “Domino Enterprise Server”.
  • If your server has a language pack installed before, you now need to install the Domino 8.0.2 version of the language pack also (part number: C1MF7DE for German language pack). To do so start the EXE file and extract the content to a temporary directory (be sure to remember the drectory name!)
  • Change to that temporary directory and run “DOMLP801_W32.EXE” and follow the instructions.
  • If you are asked if you want to install an English Domino server answer “No” as you already have installed it. Double check the program and data directories and then choose “Add Language Pack to Domino server”.
  • After installation has been finished temporarly delete the HTTP task from SERVERTASKS= line in C:\Lotus\Domino\NOTES.INI (as the HTTP task will crash as long as Quickr is not upgraded to 8.1)
  • Temporarly deactivate the line EXTMGR_ADDINS=nqpextmgr.dll (by adding a “;” as first character of the line) in C:\Lotus\Domino\NOTES.INI (as Domino might crash after the upgrade when beeing started otherwise). You might not have this entry in NOTES.INI if you did not enable Quickr for offline usage!
  • Start your Domino server
  • If you will be asked if the design of your Domino directory should be upgraded, answer with “Y”
  • Wait until the design refresh has been finished and also the design of the EVENTS4.NSF has been successfully upgraded.
  • Then stop the Domino server again.
  • Open a command line windows and change to the Domino program directory (“C:\Lotus\Domino”)
  • Run the following command: nfixup -f -j -v -l
  • Run the following command: ncompact -c -i (Caution: If you are running transaction logging, be sure to use the -b switch. This is different than the upper case -B switch as -B will change the DBIID of any transactionally logged databases.)
  • Run the following command: nupdall -R
  • As the servertasks “Sched”, “CalConn” and “RnRMgr” normally are not needed on a Quickr server, you should delete them permanently from the SERVERTASKS= line.
  • Start the Domino server again and make sure that it is running without any problems. Then shutdown the Domino server again.

Update Quickr Server

The follwoing steps are necessary to upgrade the Quickr server to 8.1:

  • Start the EXE file (part number: C1D7AEN for English version, C1CF8DE for German version) and extract the files to a temporary directory (be sure you remember the directory name)
  • Change to that temporary directory, switch to the subdirectory “Server” and start “SETUP.EXE”
  • Follow the instructions on the screen. Double check if the directory names are correct.
  • If the Quickr setup has been finished install the latest Quickr hotfix. Check this page for the most current fix level of the English version. For the German version you have to check with Lotus support as there is no public download source available.
    • Before you can install the hotfix you need to install the Sun Java runtime engine. Then you also need to add the Domino program directory to the end of the Windows system path.
    • Afterwards you copy the hotfix JAR file to the path “<Domino program dir>\jvm\lib\ext” and double click on it. The hotfix installer is then started. Follow the instructions on the screen.
  • After installation has been finished you have to perform the following steps (Important!):
    • Start the Quickr server
    • From the Domino console run the following three commands. Wait for one command to finish before starting the next one:
load qptool unlock –a
load qptool upgrade -f –server
load qptool upgrade -f –a -saveformprefs
load qptool refresh -r -d Wiki
load qptool refresh -r -d Blog 
  • After the installation has been finished, add HTTP task again to SERVERTASKS= and re-enable the line “EXTMGR_ADDINS=nqpextmgr.dll” in NOTES.INI again (if it was enabled before).
  • Delete all files in the following cache directories:
  • After installation has been finished you have to perform the following steps (Important!):
    • Start the Quickr server
    • From the Domino console run the following commands. Wait for one command to finish before starting the next one:
load qptool unlock –a
load qptool upgrade -f –server
load qptool upgrade -f –a
load qptool unregister -a -placecatalog 
load qptool register -a -placecatalog
load qptool unregister -placecatalog -p wiki_design
load qptool unregister -placecatalog -p blog_design
load qptool unregister -placecatalog -p entry_design
  • Restart the Quickr server.
qfaq/tutorials_howtos_etc/upgradingquickrdomino80to81.txt · Last modified: 2014/10/11 22:39 by